Going Green At Home

Living green does not mean a complete change in lifestyle. All it takes is a few tiny tweaks. It will go a long way in contributing to a more sustainable future. Here are some ideas.

Avoid unnecessary energy consumption
Did you know appliances kept on standby mode account for 10 to 15 per cent of household electricity? Switch them off and
save. The same goes for computers / radios on standby mode, and empty rooms with the lights left on. Remember, switch off completely when not in use!

Replace energy guzzlers
Change all light bulbs in the home to low-energy saving ones. It's by far one of the easiest ways to consume less energy and save some money while you're at it.

Rethink how you wash your dishes
Investing in a dishwasher will eventually save you more money. Hand washing dishes actually uses up about 2 – 3 times more water than a dishwasher. Alternatively, fitting all your high flow rate taps with thimbles or water-saving devices helps you use less water and energy too!

Sort things out
Set up a simple system at home to sort paper, plastics. glass and metals for recycling. Engage the kids, too, by turning it into a fun game. Find out where your estate's recycling centre / collection point is and use it.

DIMPA waste sorting bag
$14.90/3-pcs 35L, w22xD35, H45cm,

Keep things fresher and longer
Food production takes up a lot of CO2, and decomposing food waste gives of 4.5 times in weight in CO2. So keep veggies, fruits and meats fresh for longer with proper food storage containers. It helps minimise the throwing of food as well.

All pictured items are available at the IKEA stores. www.IKEA.com.sg